Netflix’s The Great Hack Indicates Need for New Prosocial Network

Josia Nakash
4 min readJul 28, 2019

We were blind but we can see now. The great platforms such as Google, Facebook and Twitter, that started out with incredible intentions to connect humanity, have been overtaken by pure egoistic greed.

Netflix — The Great Hack - Brittany Kaiser of Cambridge Analytica

In the future, the Internet will fill us with life, pleasure, and joy by teaching people how to create a balanced, human network through open, direct, cooperative, supportive, mutual, and intimate relationships. It will show people who they are, what they enjoy, in what sense they are free, and how they can fulfill themselves. Workshops, games, news sites, and quality programming will be used to build human connection.

What is needed is a comprehensive social rehabilitation process. It must be carried out gradually until we have formed an alternative, positive social network, one that properly addresses human nature and promotes warm and supportive relations.

Using Technology for Good

How can we transform social media into a space of real human connection that binds people together? We can do it by focusing on the power of friendship and unity at the center of positive human relationships.

Nature already operates in a way that balances all of its interactions. For example, cells and organs of a human body each focus on the whole body’s well-being, and each receive only what they need in order to give whatever they can for the whole body’s benefit. We too can connect to this positive power of friendship and unity if we consider the benefit of others and the benefit of the whole human network we’re parts of. We just need to use technology and the available means more wisely to learn about and plug into such a positively connected system.

But how can we achieve such a lofty goal considering that human nature is innately egoistic, i.e. aims at self-benefit at the expense of others? We need to realize that any technological innovation failing to advance humanity toward greater positive connection only harms it. Organizations that can influence the spread of social media, including governments, would do society good service if they conducted investigations into the harmful effects of social platforms and regulated them to prevent further damage not only to our privacy, but also to our overall well-being.

“Organizations that can influence the spread of social media, including governments, would do society good service if they conducted investigations into the harmful effects of social platforms and regulated them to prevent further damage not only to our privacy, but also to our overall well-being.” Michael Laitman

Social media in its current form fails to meaningfully connect us. It does, however, reveal to us the consequences of our egoistic relations. We can thus learn from the problems in the current situation and start motioning toward a positive change.

Such an awakening of the public is one of the steps toward a real transformation. We can start this massive transformation by looking into the future and taking measures ahead of time to ward off deeper social media brainwash, and by investing efforts in a profound global “heartwash.”

Redefining Success

Success in this network is not seen as building a personal empire. Instead, success is seen as a social construct, that we succeed together as a society, by connecting above our egoistic, divisive drives. By doing so, we get positive feedback from nature, a new surge of energy and motivation, by aligning ourselves with nature’s constant unifying motion.

Crossroads Director Joseph Ohayon

A Much Deeper and Wider Source of Motivation

In today’s capitalistic economy, people contribute to society with money as a leading motivator. Other drives, like respect, honor, fame, control, and knowledge are interwoven with money. That is, there is a price tag attached to every kind of social contribution.

People need to be motivated to engage in prosocial, connection-enriching activities, learning and development. The payoff is having the foundation in place for building a prosperous, connected society of happy and confident individuals, where each of us is motivated to contribute to the creation of a new thriving culture.

In order for that to happen, human relations, usually viewed as a byproduct of people’s professions and education, now need to be placed at the center of our attention. The motivation to contribute to society would need to change, from a monetary motivation to a purely prosocial, pro-connective motivation: one where we would regularly vitalize each other with examples of how we rise above our egoistic tendencies, thinking about, connecting to and benefiting other members of society. This would serve as a source of constant motivation, encouragement and ultimately, pave the way to a society of united, happy and confident individuals.

Today, there are thousands of people worldwide from all walks of life who feel the importance of jumpstarting the connection-enriching process in society. They are already engaged in learning, implementing and experimenting with the principle of positive connection above differences as the most valuable means to improve human society.

Anyone who is attracted to this idea of bettering the world by bettering human relations, and who wishes to participate in the learning and creation of a new prosocial, pro-connective culture, is welcome to learn its fundamental principles and basic concepts.

